خاص بالعصر الحجرى القديم - vertaling naar Engels
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خاص بالعصر الحجرى القديم - vertaling naar Engels

  • Temperature rise marking the end of the Paleolithic, as derived from ice core data.
  • bands]] for rare commodities and raw materials (such as stone needed for making tools) as early as 120,000 years ago in Middle Paleolithic.
  • alt=photograph
  • [[Gwion Gwion rock paintings]] found in the north-west [[Kimberley region of Western Australia]].
  • [[Charles R. Knight]]'s 1920 reconstruction of Magdalenian painters at [[Font-de-Gaume]], France
  • Picture of a half-human, half-animal being in a Paleolithic [[cave painting]] in [[Dordogne]]. France. Some archaeologists believe that cave paintings of half-human, half-animal beings may be evidence for early shamanic practices during the Paleolithic.
  • A skull of early ''[[Homo neanderthalensis]]'', [[Miguelón]] from the [[Lower Paleolithic]] dated to 430,000 bp.
  • 253x253px
  • access-date=10 June 2022}}</ref>
  • The [[Venus of Willendorf]] is one of the most famous Venus figurines.
  • access-date=2008-02-03}}</ref>
Palaeolithic; Middle Paleolothic; 10500 BC; 35000 BC; Paleolithic period; Paleolithic Period; Paleolithic age; Old Stone Age; Paleolithic Age; Palaeolithic Age; 30,000 BP; Paleolithic Era; 35,000 BCE; Palæolithic; Paleolith; Paleolithicum; Paleolitic; Paleolithic era; Palaeolithic Era; Ancestral Health; Palaeolithic period
خاص بالعصر الحجرى القديم
خاص بالعصر الحجرى القديم      

paleolithic (AD)

  • [['Ain Ghazal Statues]], found at [['Ain Ghazal]] in [[Jordan]], are considered to be one of the earliest large-scale representations of the human form dating back to around 7250&nbsp;BC.
  • Algerian cave paintings depicting hunting scenes
  • 200px
  • s2cid = 13350469 }}</ref>
  • Clay human figurine (Fertility goddess) Tappeh Sarab, Kermanshah c. 7000–6100 BC, National Museum of Iran
  • plough]]
  • Map showing distribution of some of the main culture complexes in [[Neolithic Europe]], {{circa}} 3500&nbsp;BC
  • Female figure from [[Tumba Madžari]], [[North Macedonia]]
  • Food and cooking items retrieved at a European Neolithic site: [[millstone]]s, charred bread, grains and small apples, a clay cooking pot, and containers made of antlers and wood
  • Reconstruction of a Neolithic farmstead, [[Irish National Heritage Park]]. The Neolithic saw the [[invention of agriculture]].
  • Anthropomorphic Neolithic ceramic figurine
  • Neolithic artifacts from China
  • Reconstruction of Neolithic house in [[Tuzla]], [[Bosnia and Herzegovina]]
  • Neolithic wall painting from [[Tell Bouqras]] at the [[Deir ez-Zor Museum]], Syria
  • Female and male figurines; 9000–7000 BC; [[gypsum]] with [[bitumen]] and stone inlays; from [[Tell Fekheriye]] ([[Al-Hasakah Governorate]] of [[Syria]]); [[University of Chicago Oriental Institute]] (USA)
  • An array of Neolithic artifacts, including bracelets, axe heads, chisels, and polishing tools.
  • [[Skara Brae]], Scotland. Evidence of home furnishings (shelves)
  • circular enclosures]], and fields
  • 200px
  • language=en}}</ref> [[Şanlıurfa Archaeology and Mosaic Museum]].
Neolithic Age; New Stone Age; Middle Neolithic; Neolithic age; Tool age; Neolithic Period; Neolithic period; Neolith; Younger Stone Age; Early Neolithic; Pottery Neolithic Age; Neolithicum; Neolithic Era; Neolithic era; Neolithic toolkit; New stone age; Protoneolithic; Developed Neolithic; Neolithic American culture; Neolithic pottery; Neolithic epoch; Neolithic Southwest Asia; African Neolithic; Neolithic Africa
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